42 quilt planning template worksheets includes:
- Room to glue in fabric swatches to create a quilting fabric swatch journal.
- Plan each quilt project and design your own quilt patterns with ease.
- At-a-glance quilt project checklists & fabric shopping lists.
- Write down thread settings, color, and stitches to remember for next time.
- Create color schemes while quilt planning before you cut your fabric.
- Plenty of graph paper to design and color in the blocks.
- Quilting designs and graph paper doodle space for each project.
- Record the quilt story, who it was for, why you made it, and what you might do differently next time.
- Room to glue in 6in x 9in envelopes and keep the quilt pattern with your notes and fabric choices.
- Quilt project tracker and at-a-glance pages to see what step is next.